Friday, December 13, 2013

Rediscovering the THIBAUT-JANISSON Virginia Sparkling Wine All Over Again @ The D.C. Restaurant The Iron Gate & At Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits Store In December 2013 With Katie & MIke : Cheers, Happy Holidays 2013 Everyone!!

Katie and Mike came by the store yesterday and I saw Katie holding two bottles of the THIBAUT-JANISSON Virginia sparkling wine in her arms, $32.99 a bottle. I asked her if I could help her? She smiled and said that she had found what she was looking for. She had a very pleased-with-herself look on her face. She went on to explain that she and Mike had recently tried the THIBAUT-JANISSON sparkling Virginia wine at a local restaurant that had been recommended to them and that they had liked it very much indeed. I later discovered that the restaurant was the " newly-reopened " Iron Gate " across from the Tabard Inn : said Katie. I knew it. I had lunch there before and enjoyed the experience. I had also just read about how it had opened again and that it looked very promising indeed. According to Katie and Mike they had thoroughly enjoyed their dining experience, the food , the setting, the service and the wine. That their waiter and the staff had been quite informed and alerted them to the French champagne connection of Claude Thibaut and Manu Janisson. I told them that Claude Thibaut often stopped by himself to our store and that we had been one of the very first stores in D.C. to start selling it years ago in 2007 was it? Mike said that it might have been served to them with Rockfish? I also mentioned to Katie the half bottles and showed her one and she said she would take one! What a great visit, what a fun story, glad to share it with you all. We all have gained from it. Cheers, we have more in stock, come on and try some. Top-flight sparkling wine, local, go green, go Virginia, TOO!  anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 12/13/13